Monday, October 4, 2010


Well, Today I had a somewhat busy day today. Got the new guy I'm training is doing OK. He seems to want to work, but he is still young. He trys but is not picking up everything so well. So I'm not to sure that he will work out. Almost everyone at work came in with this attitude today, and I'm getting very tired. Tired of all the stress that these few people bring to my everyday. I cant wait for the changes that will be here soon, Soon I hope. The changes that will have these few people gone away. Not that I don't like them. I care for them very much, They are like family to me. But I just cant work with them much longer. They bring to much negativity to the job. They took off for the long 4 day weekend, and will they were gone everything was so lovely, calm, smooth, and although a stressful job, it was pretty relaxing. But as I said, today, was stressful, and I guess you can tell that they were back to work today.

After work though I was supposed to go to the gym, but I had a headache from work today, so I didn't go. Instead I cleaned up my office at home. Put the things that were stacking up. Threw away all the things that were garbage. I got it all looking good.

As for now, I am sitting here watching TV and writing here. So I will end this by saying goodnight, and farwell, till tomarrow. Laters.

Sunday, October 3, 2010


Well today was such a lazy day. I got off work went home and vegged. Piged out all day. Did nothing. Sitting here learning and figuring out this bloging thing. seeing whats it all about. So for my first Blog post, I had nothing to post but this stuff here. Hopefully tomarrow will be a better post. Good night all.....